
Need to Hire Someone Now?


Need a great salesperson?

Need an effective manager?

Need someone to do the hiring for you?

Let me help you find someone truly valuable.

I call them Vwork People. Vwork means Valuable work.

We use the Vwork™ Hiring Laws to ensure you attract Vwork People, and avoid those who create eXtra Work (Xwork People), and those who are destructive (Dwork People).

Related: The 3 Types of People You Can Hire

Getting the right people helps you achieve your business goals faster. Avoiding the wrong types of people ensures you don’t suffer any unnecessary problems or setbacks.

The Vwork Hiring System is an entire process: Starting from clearly identifying the role, planning the advertising campaign, conducting interviews (with a specific list of questions), to choosing the right candidate and successfully onboarding them through a probation period.

The end goal of any hiring is clearly stated with this Vwork Hiring Law:

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