
Another Costly Hiring Mistake? Try this


Imagine paying $20,000+ to an accountant to do your tax work, but after 6 months, nothing was achieved, so you hire another accountant for $20K.

You’d demand your money back from the first and you’d be more thorough with the next accountant you hire.

But when it comes to hiring staff, bad hiring is considered simply “bad luck.”

Here’s a recent example from a contact of mine:

Paid $20,000+ to a recruiter, got the wrong person, wasted 6 months of wages and no results to find out, then started all over again.

They felt ripped off, but that’s “just the way hiring works.”

I’m here to tell you that is not the way hiring works.

The problem lies in a lack of know-how how to find “good people.”

And here’s the good news:

There is a way to find and hire good people.

I call them Vwork™ People—Vwork stands for Valuable Work, and Vwork People are people who produce valuable work.


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Hiring Productive People You Can Trust


Ever heard the joke about the ideal business?

It would have no staff issues…so no staff. No customers issues…so no customers. No people to deal with—so no problems!

It wouldn’t have any money either, which might be a problem for you eventually!

The “wrong” people cause problems. The “right” people cause solutions.

The wrong people are: Xwork™ People.

The right people are: Vwork™ People.

Xwork: Stands for eXtra and useless work.

Any time-wasting activity that produces no result & adds no value to your organisation (or life).

Vwork: Valuable work. Completed work which adds value to your organisation (or life).

For more information on Xwork/Vwork see this article:

Why 60% of Business Activity is Waste: The 2 Types of Work


You can see that no one produces 100% Vwork. Even the most productive people create Xwork from time to time. You may have created Xwork once or...

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